Archive for society

The Screen Behind the Mirror…

Posted in Daily Life, Journey, Life, Nation, path, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, Rules of life, Society, thought-provoking, Trust, Truth, Visions, World with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 30, 2015 by Mandy






put at ease

fact or deceit

face to face

eye to eye

mouth to mouth

the canvas changes

what to believe

who to trust





the rules

of life…


©AvdL 2015


The Lie We Live


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on June 3, 2010 by Mandy

Can it be that small talk is an art in today’s society?  People talk about the politics, (what is it, something you can put on bread?) the high petrol price, the neighbours, the weather, fashion, the new diet and I can go on and on.  The value of conversation is endless!

Talking does not always have to be verbal, some of my best conversations are on my pc screen via email.  As most of my friends would know….I am a talker….if I’m quiet for some reason, they always want to know if something’s wrong!!  How you phrase your sentences shows me the mood you’re in very quickly.  From &&& to @@@……..believe me, you don’t want to know everything.  More than anything, I am so much more than the most expensive tupperware when it comes to the state of the heart, heartache and dreams of my girlfriends.  They don’t tell me their secrets to spread it around, the tell me because they know I care!  I try and make their problems and heartache mine….and they always know that I am one for words, whether it’s typed,  spoken or text!  I love the contact and interaction with my friends and people.

After all, what would life be without people that really care about each other?  You don’t have to see your friends every single day… just have to know we are here for each other.  If we don’t talk, no-one will know what is bothering us,  what makes us cry….maybe never even knew we existed….. looks fade……… but loyalty never, ever fades!!

Breathe in, breathe out, camera lights action….SPEAK!!!!

Read, it's what smart people do!

Consider this site as a buffet about life, literature, love, work, film, and fun! Grab the BIG plate and dig in!

Life's illusion

The only journey is the journey within.

poems by GJK

it only took 37 years

Jan Freeman's Wanderings - Let Nature be your guide

I throw these words to the wind. Feel free to grasp them or let them drift away.

One Side Facing

. . . seek a quiet haiku pond

This Limerick Called Life

Just another weblog

Brokensally's Blog

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Tim Keeton - A Writer's Tale

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A Beachcomber's Reflections

A Look at Life From the Heart

Whispering Wind

Discover the Powerful Secrets to a Joyful Life

A Poet's page , a poem's home :)

What you read is what I feel...

How I write, is mine...How you read, is yours

Most of us feel it, some don't. Some of us say it, some don't. Some may agree, some won't. Be as it may, the facts still remain.


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HearT SpeaK

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Believe in Yourself

Fig Jam and Lime Cordial

Living well in the urban village

Inside the Mind of a Lunatic

This is my world, my wintry madness. I hope the snowflakes leave a trail of lingering warmth as they slip off your skin...


Just another weblog

Read Between the Minds

Poetry, Photography and Random Thoughts of Life