Archive for patience


Posted in Belief, Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Hope, Keep love alive, Life, Memories, Pain, Personal, Poem, Reflections, Tears, Truth, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on January 11, 2015 by Mandy



hovering balloon


empty sounds


with love

soaring above


to get through

empty darkness







on the wings



to kill

the dark



©AvdL 2015



Posted in Belief, Closure, Daily Life, Dreams, Dying love, Emotions, Hope, Life, Memories, Musings, Pain, Passion, Personal, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, Spirituality, Thought provoking, Thoughts, Truth with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 28, 2013 by Mandy


Waiting for the light of day

lingering in spaces I can’t fill

innocence in time was lost

as I wait in patience


eternal stillness



Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, Random, Spirituality with tags , , , , , , , on June 15, 2010 by Mandy

How many times have you come to a crossroad in your life….a place where you need to make a decision about something that not only will affect yourself but the lives of so many others?  We’re all on a path of personal growth in our lives and hope we make the right choices and decisions, one that will cause us no pain.  Let’s be honest, it is not the wonderful and happy things that make us want to move on to other things – it is those times and incidences that caused us pain that forces us to move forward.  For example….who can hold their hand in a fire for a long time….when it starts hurting, your immediate instinct is to move your hand away.  In a way I think life works in a similar way….you get to a point where you know it is too painful…and you move.

Fortunately we should also realize that for us to go forward in this life, we have to go through pain and heartache….. a step closer to a better life.  I have had so many choices I had to make over my lifetime, some were good, and others not so good.  But ultimately I know that I had to walk through each and every experience to bring me to this point in my life.  It has made me the person I am today and I am thankful for that.  I know that there will be many experiences ahead but I am open and willing to embrace whatever comes my way.  We should not rush into anything with blinded eyes…but learn to be patient.  And when we do get to these crossroads in our lives, embrace it and know that they are there to make us a better person. I love my life and am thankful for all the heartache and difficult times that brought me to this point.

Live your life, embrace it….with every heartbeat!!

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