Archive for dreams

Need You Now

Posted in desires, Dreams, Emotions, Heart, Imagery thoughts, Journey, Life, love, Memories, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, souls, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2015 by Mandy


unity of  two souls

now a distant thought

dwindling  in and out

my soul the clavier

your words the keys

almost like writing a play

as you strike that note

of hopes and desires

waiting to be inspired

all alone in the dark

yearning for a spark

to play that magic

song of the heart

two souls united

never to be apart


and I

need you now


©AvdL 2015


Moon River

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Hope, Journey, Life, love, Memories, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2015 by Mandy


flashbacks of you

I browse endlessly

through the pages

of my memory

inquiring all of you

in the luminous light

 of the silver blue moon

I find many an angel


 it’s your eyes I’m seeking

your mouth, your hands

and through the window

the Southern Cross

caresses the night

and in her light

I find you


on the empty pillow

beside my own


©AvdL 2015


Beautiful Day

Posted in Beauty, Crimson, Dreams, Emotions, Imagery thoughts, Journey, Life, love, Musings, Nectar, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, Thoughts, Write with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 31, 2015 by Mandy


the crimson light

of a newborn day

joie de vivre in

every breath I take

treading footsteps

echo the sound

of silent innuendos

as thoughts fly away

like nectar dripping

invading my senses

where muses play

I’ll write you a verse

and softly whisper

“come play”


©AvdL 2015


African Rhythm

Posted in Africa, blazing fires, Dreams, Eternal, fertile ground, Fire, Heart, Infinite, Life, love, Memories, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, Soul, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2015 by Mandy


african rhythm

beat of my heart

 I once was part

of her starlit night

the crescent moon

shining so bright

foreign language

whispering softly

my naked desires

in blazing fires

forever merging

on fertile ground

in true tradition

distant voices

  lustrous glint

 infinite love


part of me

©AvdL 2015


My beloved Africa…how I miss thee

(Edited from 2010)

C’est la vie (Haiku)

Posted in C'est la vie, Dreams, Emotions, Life, Musings, POETRY, Reflections with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 17, 2015 by Mandy

underwater1 (1)

tranquil with myself

 I am now an idealist

 entwine my fantasy

©AvdL 2015



The Child in Us

Posted in Dreams, Innocent, Innuendo, Life, love, Poem, POETRY, Thoughts, Visions, Whispers, Write with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 15, 2015 by Mandy



in ante meridiem

whispers of the wind

through the eyes

 of an innocent child

where I can dream

and capture the stars

visions of my youth

chasing butterflies

effervescent love

to laugh and sing

and write my song


the child in us

it somehow keeps us wild

it somehow keeps us free


©AvdL 2015



Return to Innocence

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Life, Musings, POETRY, Reflections with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 9, 2015 by Mandy


reservoir of muse

 in black and white

 silent reveling afloat

 upon cobalt dreams

cascading my mind

 as ripples gently

splash the rocks

helping me untwine

searching for my

 own reflection

while soft light brushes

internal rising flames

 unspoken words

spins above

lingering like

poignant memories

the furor of promises




to innocence


©AvdL 2015


Ad Infinitum

Posted in Beauty, Bird, change, Dreams, Life, Poem, POETRY, Thoughts, Wind, Wings with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by Mandy

Ride - Cinnamon Girl

in my awaken dreams

I want wings to fly

where night never falls

I’ll leap from that cliff

reawakening of life

no more room for ashes

in my country of thoughts

where beauty unfolds

from all it has known

with no end in sight

my flight in transparency

moulding my untold wishes

like a bird, to soar on the winds

with a bounty of love

ad infinitum

©AvdL 2015




Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Evolution, free verse, Journey, Majestic, Memories, Musings, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, Shadow, Thoughts, Untamed with tags , , , , , on July 31, 2015 by Mandy


slow evolution

of muscular peaks

earth meets the sky

and butterflies dance

in a forgotten valley

a landscape of dreams

so majestic and tall

hiding  secrets

in untamed glory

of you and I

we walked the shore

my shadow and I

untrammeled beauty

white crescent of beach

crashing waves thunder

in a pyramid of silver

her carpet of blue

lonely desolation

as sand castle dreams

melt into the sea

in majestical thoughts

I swallow the sounds

of you and I

©AvdL 2015


Beyond the Invisible

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, free verse, Invisible, Journey, Poem, POETRY, Unknown with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 29, 2015 by Mandy



 on a string

essence in black

innuendo’s of

nothing to be said

searching for that

 magic key to


where the sun

sets every night

I aim my bow

against the sky

into the unknown


out of sight

beyond the stars

in the black night

the arrows fall

my mind wonders

of what awaits

with frozen emotions

born out of pain


the rules of hope

the draw of a card

who can predict

what tomorrow brings?

©AvdL 2015


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