Archive for Death

My Immortal

Posted in Closure, Death, desires, Dreams, Emotions, Imagery thoughts, Immortal, Journey, Life, love, Memories, Pain, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, Tears, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 20, 2015 by Mandy


in roaming streams

of death’s journey

so much

more poignant

to lose a beloved

to the soundless

 laugh of love

the scent of

your absence

with ravenous


on mental shores

of solitude


my pain wears

the mask

of a virgin


©AvdL 2015


Impressions of you

Posted in Closure, Daily Life, Death, Dreams, Emotions, Life, Memories, Pain, Passion, Personal, POETRY, Reflections, Spirituality with tags , , , , , , , on June 22, 2015 by Mandy



as mist drips

in strands

under her shaky


drawn on the canvas

of their love

with flaming azure

from her veins

violent red passion

from her heart

in fragile lacuna

between breath

and muse

just listen




as she bleeds

into the night

with only


of him

©AvdL 2015


(for Bob)


Posted in Belief, Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Hope, Keep love alive, Life, Memories, Pain, Personal, Poem, Reflections, Tears, Truth, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on January 11, 2015 by Mandy



hovering balloon


empty sounds


with love

soaring above


to get through

empty darkness







on the wings



to kill

the dark



©AvdL 2015



Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on June 13, 2010 by Mandy

Many years ago we had a cockatiel called Solly.  He was very much part of the family and loved by all.  One sunny afternoon, while he was sitting outside in his cage, a bee stung him and not long after he died.  It was a very tragic experience for my daughter, the very first time she experienced death, so we did the right thing, placed him in a box and went through the ritual of burying him under a tree in the garden.

Of course the questions started about where Solly went and for months after, she would come back from school, went to the spot where we placed Solly and put a little flower in the ground. I remember that it was a very wet winter with lots of rain that year and one afternoon, while making food in the kitchen, Simone came storming in, with the plastic bag filled with a skeleton and feathers!  She was hysterical and said that I told her a lie because Solly did not go to heaven….the proof was right there in her hands!  It took forever to calm her down and trying to explain what the process was.

The moral of the story is that we have to be very careful what we tell our children …..and please make sure the hole you dig is deep enough!!!! Simone is 33 years old today and still talks about Solly!!!

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