Archive for change

Missing you ❤️

Posted in Belief, change, Daily Life, direction, Dreams, POETRY with tags , , , , , on October 26, 2015 by Mandy


 I’ve not been around as I’m back full-time studying and still trying to find

balance between it all. I’m missing you and promise as soon as I’ve

worked it all out, I’ll be writing and visiting your blog again. I long

for lazy afternoons around my pad..but for now “crunch time”.

Sending you heartfelt love always.

From my corner…The Land of Oz

Mandy xxx

©AvdLM 2015


Let It All Go…

Posted in change, direction, Emotions, Hope, Imagery thoughts, Journey, Life, path, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 3, 2015 by Mandy


constant taunting stars

eternally shining above

meander in this barren land

inquiring  where my heart is

trying to find a hollow tree

flawless and untouched

new home to my memories

I bend and grasp my soul

no more turning to dust

rising from my ashes

as the phoenix rises


let it all go


©AvdL 2015


Noir et Blanc

Posted in change, Closure, Daily Life, direction, Dreams, Emotions, free verse, heart matters, Hope, Life, love, Memories, Musings, Passion, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 20, 2015 by Mandy




black and white



on paper


naked words

quietly hides

 my soul

planted in

orbit on

a balcony

of cloud



 like rivers



my shadow

like a gem

in the sky

time melts






the darkness

as the crescent

moon lights

 my soul

©AvdL 2015


Haiku – Wings

Posted in change, Dreams, Emotions, free verse, haiku, love, POETRY with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 19, 2015 by Mandy


the wings of a swan

her broken feathers withered

on her reflection

©AvdL 2015



Posted in Belief, Closure, Daily Life, direction, Dreams, Emotions, free verse, Hope, Life, Memories, Musings, POETRY with tags , , , , , , , on July 16, 2015 by Mandy



linger at

the droplets

of my wild

and stormy soul

lost in

the labyrinth

of life

guarding the


from my sight

beneath the

naked truth

lies a

broken heart

where wishes

lay weeping

upon foe

of jilted dreams

unmask my truth

no veiled agenda

no covert pain

until the storm

stills beneath

my sheath

come play

my clavier

note for note


my fervor


 zephyr quench

the burn of


©AvdL 2015



Posted in Belief, change, direction, Dreams, free verse, heart matters, Hope, Life, love, Memories, moment, Musings, Passion, path, Poem, POETRY, thought-provoking, Thoughts, time with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 12, 2015 by Mandy


skies are crying

on qui vive

soaring through


the shadows

the sand

every memory

a dream

I’m made of paper


in capsules

of pain


dusk purlieu


let me learn

to bleed

and break open

into the sun


like a bird

on wings

of time

©AvdL 2015



Posted in Emotions, Life, Memories, Pain, Personal, Poem, Reflections, Spirituality, Tears with tags , , , , , , , , on January 3, 2015 by Mandy




in murk

of despair

beyond warning

passing through

 desolate walls

of what was

yet to be

like a ghost

I flitter


the light

 a place

of no return

watching the


as I cry




©AvdL 2015



Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, Random, Reflections, Spirituality with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2010 by Mandy



If you are unhappy, be unhappy.
Do not judge yourself for being that way.
It is wonderful to be unhappy, it is expressing emotion.
Love your unhappiness. It means you are ready for change.
You are ready to go forward, yet you mourn for the old;
you are not ready to let go.
Allow the unhappiness, there is purposefulness in it.

Remove from your life everything that inhibits you
from being the totality of yourself. That is called “becoming”.
Remove from your thoughts all the have to’s, should’s, must’s.
Remove the images you think you must be and just be.

Embrace your life. Know that you created it.
Love all that you have been, said and done.
Know it was all purposeful.

Never see anything as a failure.
See everything as an accomplishment.
Love the hurt, the pain, the sorrow.
For what an experience! What a wonderment!
What jewels of wisdom are now in your treasure!

 Be your own teacher, friend, counsel.
Confide in yourself, speak to yourself.

Seek answers that feel right within your soul.
Your soul knows what the truth is,
and it will tell you through feelings.
Always listen to your feelings. They know … they know.

Live, experience, feel. Do not seek to identify yourself.
You will never have a point of understanding from which you
can say, “This is who I am!”, for in each expanding moment
of consciousness, who you are will have
changed into the next moment of being.
To know who you are is to feel what you feel each moment.

Never do anything, no matter how far you are into it,
if you lose the joy of it and it becomes monotonous and mundane.
Do away with it and do something else that brings happiness.
For perhaps what you needed to learn from it
you have already achieved.
Go wherever you want to go,
Do whatever you want to do,
for as long as you want to.

 Create only for the mere joy of creating.
When you create for you, you will soon find yourself living in joy.



Extracts from Dr Wayne Dyer 


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