Archive for alone

Need You Now

Posted in desires, Dreams, Emotions, Heart, Imagery thoughts, Journey, Life, love, Memories, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, souls, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2015 by Mandy


unity of  two souls

now a distant thought

dwindling  in and out

my soul the clavier

your words the keys

almost like writing a play

as you strike that note

of hopes and desires

waiting to be inspired

all alone in the dark

yearning for a spark

to play that magic

song of the heart

two souls united

never to be apart


and I

need you now


©AvdL 2015



Posted in Dialogue, Dusk, Emotions, Imagery thoughts, Journey, Life, love, Memories, Musings, Peace, Poem, POETRY, Reflections, thought-provoking, Thoughts, Wind with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 14, 2015 by Mandy


I hear noise

all around me

it echo’s in this space

I have no part in it

the wind rustling

through the leaves

of trees

I sit alone

in silent dialogue

with my thoughts

quiet beating

of my heart

peace rests snugly

in the womb of dusk

if I could

I would

capture it

right now…


in this moment


and so goes

the distant memory

into the wind…


©AvdL 2015



Posted in Belief, Closure, Daily Life, Dreams, Dying love, Emotions, Hope, Life, Memories, Musings, Pain, Passion, Personal, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, Spirituality, Thought provoking, Thoughts, Truth with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 28, 2013 by Mandy


Waiting for the light of day

lingering in spaces I can’t fill

innocence in time was lost

as I wait in patience


eternal stillness


STRESSED (For Bokkie…with all of my love)

Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections with tags , , , , , , , , , on July 16, 2010 by Mandy

You feel it

the invisible


the emptiness


the heavy


that feels like


is invading you

upbraiding you

pulling your



and spitting it



on the inside

driving your spine

through to the outside

taking your breath

cold as death

dark hand gripping



there’s nothing


but you


and bleeding


soul needing


hearts-animated-gif-001.gif BN image by curllybone



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