Archive for the Fiction Category

Remember When…..

Posted in Emotions, Fiction, Life, Musings, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections on October 5, 2010 by Mandy





Just sometimes

I sit and wonder

water droplets

against the glass

twilight gloaming

ambrosia of love

so tough to hold

the walls of my heart

pressed in memories

between the pages

of a forgotten book

pictures in my mind

the long road home

I wonder ….


©AvdL 2010

Come Undone

Posted in Emotions, Fiction, Musings, POETRY, Random, Reflections on October 3, 2010 by Mandy




Flashback from the past

Embrace fate’s requisition

New horizon waits


Gently whispered words

Of love slowly becoming

Pieces of my heart


©AvdL 2010



Posted in Emotions, Fiction, Musings, POETRY, Random, Reflections on September 14, 2010 by Mandy



Chasing a dream

in a blaze of fire

an immortal soul

that walks within me

 like storms on the ocean

sweet rush of emotions

the height of crescendos

so whole in my power

aglow of feelings


 without you

my spirit  is lost

 you are



©AvdL 2010


MUSINGS (Thursday Poets Rally Week 28)

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Fiction, Life, POETRY, Random, Reflections on September 8, 2010 by Mandy



Mystifying love

choices made

her enticing soul

in monologue

a confusing mind

tearing golden threads

from her puzzled heart

pondering when

she’d be filled with glee

 time to lift

her lonely spirit

and fill her beating heart

with whispers of hope



in absence

to a cosmos of life


©AvdL 2010


 Hosted by:-


Posted in Fiction, POETRY, Random on September 7, 2010 by Mandy


Cold as ice

her mystic qualm

reserving her love

in absence of sound

entwined feelings

spirit of steel

with frozen emotions

born out of pain

the rules of hope

draw of a card

who can predict

what tomorrow brings?


©AvdL 2010

Image courtesy of Photobucket


Posted in Daily Life, Emotions, Fiction, Life, Musings, POETRY, Ramblings, Random on September 6, 2010 by Mandy



Dry tears on my cheeks

spring blossoms new beginnings

on paper I will bleed



Gentle spring rain

In silence and memories

Love requires more


©AvdL 2010


Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Fiction, Life, People, POETRY, Random, Reflections on September 1, 2010 by Mandy


Searching for

that magic key

to happiness

where the sun

sets  every night

I aim my bow

against the sky

into the unknown


out of sight

beyond the stars

in the black night

the arrows fall

my mind wonders

of what awaits

will I ever be free

of these chains

that constrain

me so?


©AvdL 2010


SHALLOW (One Shot Wednesday)

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Family, Fiction, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, Random, Reflections on August 31, 2010 by Mandy



Dwindled  love

stormy seas

maze of lies

in wasted fields

fragments of me

are breaking off

mortal silence

in every breath

human beings

shadows of shame

forever lost

in utter darkness

of shallow seekers

for happiness


©AvdL 2010


Image from 


Posted in Emotions, Fiction, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections on August 29, 2010 by Mandy


Entangled heart

scattered thoughts

cluster of ruminate

I hear your voice

cold and dissociate

twilight days

twilight nights

ice tears on my cheek

my broken heart


notre amour était une fois

 c’est fini pour toujours


©AvdL 2010



“You Are Mine”?

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Fiction, Friends, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections with tags , , , , , , , on August 24, 2010 by Mandy


You read my words

between the lines

asking softly

will you be mine?

stretched hand

eternal horizon

cupid’s arrow

giving them shape

yesterday’s secrets

tomorrow’s dreams

piercing hearts

kindred minds

I hear you whisper


“You are mine”?



©AmandavdL 2010



Picture courtesy of Wildfire

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