Life is an eternal quest about knowing oneself. It’s time to challenge yourself, to rediscover your hidden traits, talents, and tendencies   “I am Me.   In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.   Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself.   I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears.   I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.   Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me.   By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts.   I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me.   However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me.   If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded.   I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do.   I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me.   I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”….Virginia Satir (my favourite psychologist and Educator) could not have define my aphorism better:)

94 Responses to “ABOUT ME”

  1. Michael Says:

    I enjoyed what I have read. This is certainly a very interesting Blog and I am looking forward to more visits in the near future. Best Wishes.

  2. lifeinarecipe Says:

    Love the new look of your blog! I am still learning the blog ropes, and yours is certainly an inspiration!

  3. I like your blog too!
    It very fresh and original! 😉
    I think that every blog represents us in a way!
    Engish isn’t my first language too,but the most important is to understand each other! 🙂

    Enjoy the moment!!!!

  4. Thanks for your comments. I’m flattered by your appreciation. Thanks!

  5. thank you so much for your kind words. one positive soul mirrored back to yourself… =)

  6. Thank you for your kind words!

  7. Lisa Every Says:

    Good Morning Girlfriend! Hope you are well. Missing our walks the last couple of days. Looking forward to catching up with you on Monday Re: Web page for my Father. I thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me. It will be AMAZING and it is something that I and Family especially over sea’s will be able to hold close to our hearts FOREVER! I enjoy getting on to your BLOG most mornings to read all the amazing BLOGS that you have each day. You are a very LOVING, CARING and SHARING woman who i am so lucky to have in my life you have touched my heart in a very special way GIRLFRIEND so thank you for that. talk to you very soon love you lots xxoo

  8. I am blessed to have you in my life Lisa, you have a very special place in heart. Always your friend ~ oxo

    • Hi Amanda – I have been thinking of you a lot lately – pls make contact as I do not hear or see you anywhere anymore. I was looking so forward to your visit here in CT but looks like I also missed that Lovies and keep in touch!
      FREDA ❤

    • Hi Amanda, was thinking a lot about you lately and thought I would see you when you are down in CT but I guess that I messed you again. Please make contact as I do not see you on FB anymore. Lots of Love from your friend FREDA
      Take care and make some contact please!

  9. this is so cool!! u are from australia (ah!! a wonderful nation, i have read so so much about it)..
    australia is a new country, u seem to be originally from some other place, whats ur first language???
    lemme guess?? french??
    and whatever u wrote was very good!! 🙂
    keep blogging 🙂

  10. Oh, guess what I learnt how to do today – add you on my blogroll list. I am getting so clever on this blog-thing-ma-jig!! Have a great day! 🙂 Chloe x

  11. i’ve shared an award with you Amanda.. and I’d be happy if you accepted it.. thanks a lot 🙂


  12. Amanda, you are more than okay! I like Virginia Satir too . . . This is a wonderful blog and can only be so because it is from your heart. I’m so glad you are doing this and pleased we have met. Blessings and Hugs!

  13. Hi – I so love your optimistic approach in life! Would you mind if I use your quote by Virginia Satir on my own blog, but as part of a blog post? You rock! Your friend, Chloe 😀 xx

  14. Great blog. Inspiring poetry. I love the animations 🙂

  15. Your blog looks so good! It’s very visually appealing! And it makes me hungry… lol

    • LOL…me too, and normally I post it very early early in the morning!! Not a good way to start your day! Thanks so much for your kind words and support. It warms my heart ~ Hugs x

  16. very nice blog, ,and inspiring me

  17. how you upload a gif image….
    i tried but it appeared in normal jpeg kinda format… please help.

    • Sometimes it’s hard and some of the gif’s wont upload or move if it’s animated…you just have to try different ones…but the same as you would normally upload any image. Very frustrating…sometimes it won’t move at all…where do you get your images from? Maybe you can send me an example and I can have a look for you? Hugs xx

  18. I simply Google them… n yeah I goggle animated one’s… I’ll try others and let you know.. thank you for your help…

  19. I must say, your command of English is impressive. I’m not sure I would have known it wasn’t your first language. Perhaps eventually 🙂

    I always enjoy my visits here!

  20. An amazing blog! Thanks for sharing.

    • Whooohoooo…my 2nd page of AWARDS from you are growing!!!! Thanks Ji, you rock and do soooo much for all of us. I am the luckiest girl to have met all of you and you make me happy every single day of my life!! Thanks my dear friend xxxxxx

  21. I really dig visiting your blog,
    Thought I would say hello 🙂
    Thank you,
    Peace to you,

  22. Lovely to meet the authentic you, Amanda! I am also evolving and consciously evaluating aspects of my nature and personality… I love your site and your poetry, my friend.

    • One thing about getting older Adee, is that we can explore and evolve without any insecurities and I embrace and love that!! I also love your work and am happy to call you friend ~ Much love dear Adee xxx

  23. ……dan praat ons maar eerste taal of wat sê ek……..bly te kenne Amanda(mag ek jou so noem hier)……ek is Dewald….en wil jou bedank vir al die mooi woorde…..ek gorrel ook maar so tussen die twee tale….em raak nog gewoond aan wordpress….maar ek beoog om meer te pos….ek wil Afrikaanse goed ook opsit…..en ek het omtrent `n ton……
    ….mooi dag vir jou hoor…..wel dit is seker al agtermiddag daar by jou….

    • Daar is net een taal vir my Dewald…en ek sal bly wees as jy my Amanda noem!! Ek kan nie wag dat jy ook in Afrikaans sal pos nie…ek dink jy is sooo ongelooflik talentvol en so bly ons het paaie gekruis. Jy is nou in droomland, hoop jy slaap (ek is al van 3.30vm) op en het alreeds 3 koffies gedrink!!! En nou is ek op ‘n “hi”!!!! Daar is 8 ure verskil tussen ons, (voor julle). Geniet jou naweek en ek hoop dit word warmer waar jy is! Baie liefde hier vanuit Australia. oxoxoxoxox

  24. Laurel Suzanne Says:

    I’m so glad that Jamie introduced me to you via our respective blogs. I’m just beginning to explore yours and it is a true delight. I feel like I know you already. Your poem Freedom spoke to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us.

    • Awww, that is the sweetest thing you have said Laurel, I sooo appreciate you being here and am so happy we’ve met through Jamie (she has a very special place in my heart!!) It means so much to me to have you here and can’t wait to have you back!! Sending you loads of love across the ocean. Hugs xxx 🙂

  25. I have included your link in a rhyme of mine
    take a look, if you get the time

  26. I had tagged you in the Band-Wagon Tag game just right below this post @

    😀 Have fun!

  27. Hey Amanda,
    Thank you for participating in “How will you react?”…It wouldn’t have been a party without you…I appreciate your support and look forward to it as we make this event grow…Cheers!

  28. hey Amanda :D~ You can just email me at either riikainfinityy@gmail.com or alexiellous@live.com =P I will be available every now and then :3

  29. Wonderful blog!
    You exude everything that inspires one to live life to the fullest.
    Good for you!



  30. I just read your comment on Jamie’s blog. 😦

    Amanda, our little corner of this virtual world would be a much darker place without your warm and smiling presence. Please don’t even think of leaving. So many people take great joy from reading your blog, and from the support and friendship you give everyone in your comments. I think the best approach is to stay away from anyone who is harassing, bullying, leaving cruel comments, etc. It’s a little like how there are neighborhoods in New York I wouldn’t dream of visiting, but I’ll never stop going to the city.

    Stay with us! Please?

    Many hugs, Patti

  31. You have written a lot about you.
    It is simply great.
    Word buttercup is mouth watering for me as I like butter.
    I relished your articulation, presentation and videos.

  32. Just stopped by to see what’s doing and say “hi.” Hope you are off having a fun day. Thinking of you. 🙂 xox

    • I somehow think you must have felt what my state of mind was 🙂 Thanks so much for thinking of me girlfriend, it means more to me than words can say. Mwah xxx Thinking of you always xxx

  33. Serena Devi Says:

    Reading the comments and finding my way to the bottom of the page… I felt amazing sense of warmth growing in my heart… You are having a true gift apart from your deep and heartfelt poetry, it is Love… I found your blog through Ram0singhal… now if I may… I make my own track and visit your garden of divine…. much love and blessing Serena

  34. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Amanda! Your blog just keeps getting better – your poetry, too!

    mirror of feelings

    my lugubrious essence

    drift, flit, run – to me

    This one is so good!!

  35. Hey Mandy, it been long since i came and just want to inform you that you are invited!

    From 10:01 a.m. Monday December 27,2010 until 10:01 a.m. Saturday January 8, 2011 (CST), think about what you want to have, do and wish for this upcoming new year. After that, use them to create a poem, short fiction, prose, haiku or anything you can think of and link them in using the comment panel on this post:


    Share your dreams, wish list and wishes over here as the new year comes greeting on us!

    Note that you don’t have to be a poet or blogger in order to do it but a link to where your work can be seen by other audiences. Do ask your friends to join in the fun as well!^_^

    Cheers and have a wonderful year ahead=D

  36. It is truly nice to get to know you. I will be following along.


  37. Beautiful blog with lots of interesting things to read. Thanks for visiting mine, too. hugs, pat

  38. Hi, just to let you know, I’ve put a link to your blog on my page called “My Blogging Friends” 😀

    Have a good evening,
    Chloe xx

  39. I’m missing you! I hope everything is going well in your life :]

  40. I love your story of you if only more peopled could think like that your a goddess

  41. Thanks for liking my post ‘Oceans (in 5 Acts)’. I appreciate you stopping by. This is a wonderful site you have.

  42. Anonymous Says:

    Hi Bokkie, Hope you are doing just fine, give me a call sometime. Love your page. Keep up the good work. Check out mine on FB. I have 3 pages the links are on my page on the left at the top.
    Love you lots. !!

  43. dear and divine ……. I am the journey and I am the destination ….. life is a mystery of self realization which we all live and in doing so inspire others in their search ……. your blog reflects silence and beauty of your mind and soul ……. with greetings and gratitude for sharing your inner poetry …… love all.

  44. Thanks for the follow and I will defiantly follow you back! I look forward to your post.

  45. Thanks for following my blog. It looks like you have some amazing stuff here. I look forward to reading your things in the future!

  46. love this blog! i write music with my love and music partner, and our music is in tune with your type of posts! would love to share with you sometime . thanks for all the beauty and wisdom that you post!

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