Beautiful Day


the crimson light

of a newborn day

joie de vivre in

every breath I take

treading footsteps

echo the sound

of silent innuendos

as thoughts fly away

like nectar dripping

invading my senses

where muses play

I’ll write you a verse

and softly whisper

“come play”


©AvdL 2015


8 Responses to “Beautiful Day”

  1. such beautiful and elegant.

  2. We finally had a day without triple digits here…so it was truly a beautiful day…plus good wine and good friends listening to music at a local winery…a perfect day…a lovely as your poem…so here’s my song for you my friend.

    • Awesome, sounds like my kind of day 🙂 So happy you enjoyed it Charlie…in her words – “Sleep in peace when day is done: that’s what I mean” my friend! Love her music :)x

  3. Reblogged this on Michael's Origins and commented:
    Here is another poem to be delight with!

  4. gorgeous words that capture a gorgeous picture. Bravo!

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