Archive for January, 2011

Blowing in the wind

Posted in Closure, Dreams, Dying love, Emotions, Hope, Keep love alive, Life, Memories, Musings, Pain, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, souls, Spirituality, Tears on January 21, 2011 by Mandy



silent love lingers

on your trembling lips

as you slowly decipher

the storms of the soul

in nurtured desires

and a reverie of love

hides below the surface

of dreams and dither

finding shelter

in the hands of delusion

and the secret of love

from times gone by

now just a whisper

born out of ashes




like the circle of life

it cannot negate

thoughts of

 you and me…


blowing in the wind


©AvdL 2011



Silent wings

Posted in Belief, chains, Closure, cosmos, Death, Dreams, Dying love, Emotions, Keep love alive, Life, Memories, Pain, Poem, POETRY, Tears on January 19, 2011 by Mandy



musings of emotions

of fervor and love

unpropitious moments

and the cosmos cracks

unlock the chains

deep within my soul

for closure has no music

no notion in its path

a new dawn arrives

as it lingers in lacuna

no rainbows in orbit

just an empty melody

bearing on the wings

of a withered butterfly


©AvdL 2011

Maze – Haiku

Posted in Belief, Daily Life, Death, Dreams, Emotions, Friends, Hope, Life, Man, Memories, Musings, Nation, Pain, Passion, People, Personal, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, souls, Spirituality, Tears, Thoughts, Truth, Words, World on January 18, 2011 by Mandy



convoluted maze

tears mixed with mud and blood

dwindled in the dust



©AvdL 2011



Every Passing Day

Posted in Belief, Emotions, Hope, Life, Memories, Musings, Nation, Passion, People, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, Spirituality, Tears, Thoughts, Truth, Words, World on January 17, 2011 by Mandy


Just a quick update of what’s been happening after the horrendous floods from last week.  Many homes are still without power and the truth of the damage is coming to light more and more as the water levels recede.  However, the spirit of the Australian people is just unbelievable, this past weekend people came from all over Australia and New Zealand to help with the cleanup… an army of big-hearted volunteers shouldering brooms, mops and shovels began digging and sweeping Brisbane and surroundings out of the mud.  In a remarkable display of community love and spirit, so many signed on for duty, ready to  just bend their backs to help fellow residents (mates) reclaim their homes and waterlogged possessions from the sludge left behind by the worst floods ever.   This brought tears to my eyes … something I will never forget!!!


There are many people who did wonderful heroic and courageous things during and after the floods, but there are many who did things that meant a lot more and might not be recognised.  To them we all say thank you!! 

This wildlife warrior risked his life to rescue this injured little joey…(I am happy to say this one made it…many did not)

We all are humbled by the love, spirit and courage Queenslanders have for each other in these difficult times…and proud to be one of them!!!!

*Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.*  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson (


I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!

Core of my heart, my country!
Land of the Rainbow Gold,
For flood and fire and famine,
She pays us back threefold –
Over the thirsty paddocks,
Watch, after many days,
The filmy veil of greenness
That thickens as we gaze.

Dorothea Mackellar

Broken wings

Posted in Death, Emotions, Hope, Life, Man, Memories, Musings, Pain, Poem, POETRY, Random, Reflections, souls, Tears, Thought provoking, Thoughts, World on January 14, 2011 by Mandy



like a little butterfly

with faded, broken wings

in its armored shell

waiting for the light of day

innocence in time was lost

scattered in the wind of storm

with bleeding hearts we smile

while everything turns to dust

and in the depths a melody

sprinkled on a thousand hills

as time slowly creeks by


©AvdL 2011

Sculptured Desires

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Fiction, Musings, POETRY, Random, Reflections on January 13, 2011 by Mandy




mortals in motion

sometimes opposed

at times behind

often always


for their own glee


with motives

but you


and I observe

 listening to you

in sheer radiance

 I bathe in your


where I linger

as you tease

the sculptured

desires of my heart


©AvdL 2011


Posted in Daily Life, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections, Spirituality on January 12, 2011 by Mandy



fading brightness

from mountains of glory

to canyons of fate

golden shades melting

turning into brown

the stars have dimmed

in the sky once bright

shine your rainbow prism

through the rift of clouds

where my feet will follow

and my heart will hold

visions of the dark night

  this never-ending rain

full of sorrow and pain

where my hands bleed

against my aching heart


©AvdL 2011



Flood Disaster

Posted in Uncategorized on January 11, 2011 by Mandy

A NATIONAL DISASTER is unfolding here….we’re bracing ourselves for more rain over the next couple of days, I have never ever in my entire life seen anything like this.  The Brisbane River has broken its banks with  evacuations underway in the heart of the city amid fears Brisbane and surroundings will see its worst flooding ever.  Public transport has been cancelled, talks of closing down  Brisbane Airport is a possibility and there are practically no mobile phone reception.  Where I am, the roads are closed within a proximity of +/- 10 km all around and as I type this, it is so very dark outside, (almost 2pm) with thunder and lightning everywhere.  Please keep those who are unaccounted for in your heart and prayers…we have not seen the end.



vérité de la vie

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Life, Musings, POETRY, Random, Reflections on January 10, 2011 by Mandy



like a painting

born from my brush

come to life

a fresco of color

and little by little

through many fields

in gardens of pleasure

to deserts of pain

step by step

the pictures of life

come alive

with threads of gold

of dreams, of hope

and in the maze

of shadow and light

the truth in my portrait

the journey of life


©AvdL 2011


EVERYONE IS INVITED… poetry-potluck 
Do check out the amazing collection of poems here. 
Read, it's what smart people do!

Consider this site as a buffet about life, literature, love, work, film, and fun! Grab the BIG plate and dig in!

Life's illusion

The only journey is the journey within.

poems by GJK

it only took 37 years

Jan Freeman's Wanderings - Let Nature be your guide

I throw these words to the wind. Feel free to grasp them or let them drift away.

One Side Facing

. . . seek a quiet haiku pond

This Limerick Called Life

Just another weblog

Brokensally's Blog

Just another weblog

Tim Keeton - A Writer's Tale

A self-proclaimed (recovering) procrastinator's blog on his writing journey. CARPE DIEM!

A Beachcomber's Reflections

A Look at Life From the Heart

Whispering Wind

Discover the Powerful Secrets to a Joyful Life

A Poet's page , a poem's home :)

What you read is what I feel...

How I write, is mine...How you read, is yours

Most of us feel it, some don't. Some of us say it, some don't. Some may agree, some won't. Be as it may, the facts still remain.


Monologs of a Water Tiger

Dustus Blog

Poetry, Flash Fiction, and more

HearT SpeaK

I Dare Feel... So I Dare Write...

Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

Fig Jam and Lime Cordial

Living well in the urban village

Inside the Mind of a Lunatic

This is my world, my wintry madness. I hope the snowflakes leave a trail of lingering warmth as they slip off your skin...


Just another weblog

Read Between the Minds

Poetry, Photography and Random Thoughts of Life