Archive for November, 2010


Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Musings, POETRY, Random, Reflections on November 30, 2010 by Mandy




 lost in my thoughts

soft sound of your voice

and I remember your eyes

a painting come to life

of untrammeled beauty

in efflorescent dreams

waiting to blossom…

put your heart in my hand

and I’ll give you mine

peel away the layers

in my forgotten valley

where butterflies still dance

bring back the fervor

of yesterdays ether

no figment from the past

the journey of our souls


where I linger


and keeping faith alive


©AvdL 2010



pièce de résistance

Posted in Emotions, Musings, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections on November 22, 2010 by Mandy




pièce de résistance

unity of  two souls

now a distant thought

dwindling  in and out

my souls the clavier

your words the keys

almost like writing a play

as you strike that note

of hopes and desires

waiting to be inspired

all alone in the dark

yearning for a spark

to play that magic

song of the heart

two souls united

never to be apart


©AvdL 2010

My dearest friends, things have been (and still are) very busy in my life…I will not be able to spend much time here as I’m expecting visitors from overseas, it’s summer here in Australia and to balance it all, is not an easy task for me lately.  I will post when I can…I might not be able to comment on your blog for a while…know that I have all of you in my heart and I will be back when I can.  To all my friends who celebrates Thanksgiving… Joy, Happiness, Health, Peace…All of these and many more are my wish for all of you.  Happy Thanksgiving…I send you love oxoxo


Posted in Dreams, Emotions, POETRY on November 16, 2010 by Mandy




reticence cannot speak

in amniotic dreams

but the word is stone

blazing questions

swallowed by echoes


eternal reticence

and there’s no reply


©AvdL 2010



Island Dreams

Posted in Uncategorized on November 9, 2010 by Mandy




rain falls overhead

labyrinthine tapestry

as I weave my dreams


©AvdL 2010

I had a visitor last night…:)

 I miss all of you sooooo much….I’ll be back visiting after the 17th oxox


Life cycle

Posted in Uncategorized on November 8, 2010 by Mandy

time we shared
love existed
without any ties
and we lived it
day after day
with offerings of you
the miracle of mind
no need to mourn
the mask of facade
life cycle complete
aftermath of passion
and forward we go


Posted in Uncategorized on November 4, 2010 by Mandy


Inside my own thoughts
Nurturing future plans
Motivational decisions of change
Establishing a meta-positive attitude
Truthful to myself and all others
To live my best life today
Aiming to a better life


©AvdL 2010



Posted in Uncategorized on November 3, 2010 by Mandy


I will be on vacation until the 17th of November and send you love and blessings.  Until then, take care and love always from my heart oxo

HALLOWEEN (for Monday Potluck)

Posted in Fiction, POETRY on November 1, 2010 by Mandy




tonight’s the night

a harvest moon suffers

haunting the streets

cats on flying broomsticks

pumpkins are glowing

and spiders are spinning

skeletons and ghosts

even werewolves are rising

witches and magic brooms

will appear in the night

don’t stray from the path

be silent and aware

tonight’s the night

for masks and hats

as you knock on doors

for that trick or treat

this can only be



©AvdL 2010

These are just 2 pictures of Halloween at my front door last night!!  Awesome 🙂

I wrote this for Poetry Potluck… Please do check out the other amazing creative writes.





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