I have another one of those busy weeks, seems the closer to year-end, the more busy it gets.  I will be back posting recipe’s as from next week again. (Not even enough time to cook a proper meal…now there has to be something wrong with that, don’t you think??) Big hugs xox


Follow a dream

catch that shooting star

because I want to love

and to be loved

I am a dreamer

to dance without music

make my heart sing a song

laugh in a sea of sadness

I want to get lost in a dream

 waking up every morning

trying to hold onto that dream

 I want to love

and to be loved

I hope to dream again

and will always be

a dreamer


©AvdL 2010



56 Responses to “IF”

  1. Girlfriend, what goosebumps. I love Kenny G and haven’t heard his music in a long time. (cd locked away in storage! )Thankyou, I truly needed some refined minutes. Still holding onto my dreams! Always a dreamer! Aren’t we all!..hugs to you across the miles xx

  2. Wistfully wonderful! I hope that for you too!

  3. Kenny G is from my neck of the woods, and his music captures the spirit of this beautiful Pacific North West., and your poem speaks from a heart filled with love and a gentle soul. Now this dreamer has to get back to writing this incredibly boring law research paper . Ugh!

    Lovely poem beautifully written in spite of your busy schedule.

    Warm hugs to you,

  4. What an Image Mandies..!!
    The words flow like some sweet water spring in a fairy tale. All brightly lit and colored!! I am a dreamer and it seems you had me in mind while writing- 😀
    Jokes aside- this one is so full of optimism!! Expressing a deadly desire to LIVE!!

    You seem to be leading a pretty hectic sched.. Don’t miss out on your meals. A beautiful you doesn’t want to reach where I am- an obese woman with slogging metabolism.. 🙂
    You cook well- I have always wondered how occupied I’ll keep you someday that we meet- of course- cooking delicacies for me.. hahaha

    Take care of yourself Sweets- this poem has filled me with all the joys on festival time!!

    Love you Loads

    • My dearest Olivia, if we cannot dream and chase those dreams, what will life be…as long as I live, I will always have dreams and goals…for we have one life here and have to make the most of it always, no-one else will do it for us!! I have to say that this time of year has always been hectic and everyone screams for everything but it will be better soon….wanna come join me and we can make turns on cooking lolololol…I want to thank you again for all you did to help with Potluck, you are a wonderful loving soul and I so appreciate it. Soon I’ll be back to normal….and start cooking better again!!! Love you loads xxxxx

        Taking turns to cook sounds fun…

        Potluck is as close to me as it is to you.. since you do it- I feel all the more connected.. Never mentions- the pleasure all mine to keep!!

        I feel so better reading you too are occupied- how mean of me 😀 Don’t you worry.. I am moving around the Potluck Post this time too.. so don’t you get worked up..

        Lovies.. xox

  5. I love the poem, but must confess I don’t like Kenny G much.
    Best of luck with the workload.
    lots of love. xxx

    • Thanks girlfriend, hard finding music every single day…hope your weekend will be a good one, we have had more than 180mm of rain…so strange for this time of year and predicting more. I am totally over it…dam’s are overflowing (a good thing because we have had drought for a long time) Big hugs xxx

  6. And from what I have “seen” of you, Amanda, you will always love and be loved. The openness of your poetry portrays this very clearly to me.

    Take care through your busyness. Eat healthily. Am I sounding like your mother?

    • Sometimes I write tooooo close to the soul dear Amy, but it cannot by any other way in my book. Love that you care and your comment made me smile. Love to you my dearest friend xxx

  7. I so rhyme with your poem.
    have a lovely time ahead, its good to be busy, it makes us appreciate leisure and it makes time fly without wings. i just love to keep myself busy.

  8. You’re always a dreamer, Buttercup dear, and dreamers shape the destiny of our world. Dream on.

  9. I’m goosy all over, Amanda…and love Kenny G, thank you 🙂 Hope your schedule lets up soon! xo

  10. Rarely do I identify with poems. This was one of those rare occasions where I felt connect to the message somehow.

    While seeming like a plea it also seemed very tranquil and optimistic. Then again, your whole blog has a positive mellow vibe.

  11. Beautifully written unknowingly capturing the desires of my heart and all the dreamers that I have yet to met.

  12. I love dancing without music, encouraging the inner song to dictate the moves.

    How many dreamers have you encouraged, Amanda? You are awesome!

  13. I’ve been operating on my computer without speakers…yet, I can hear you loud and clear, my friend!

  14. I was listen to a young writer on educational radio the other day and she pointed out that one of the good things about writing is that we get to create our own worlds to explore….and I would argue that as dreamers we are able to create our own future for we see what others do not…and thus can shape events to make it happen…dream on my friend…dream on!

    • I just love what you have said here Charlie, and true…sometimes I think I bare my soul too much but that is the only way I know how to! Forever I’ll be a dreamer…so happy you listen to educational radio as well…thought not many do that anymore. Happy it’s Friday afternoon, hope yours will be a peaceful one my dear friend. Hugs xx

  15. Beautiful post, Amanda. And the video was fabulous with all the peaceful music and scenes of nature. I enjoyed every moment. Thank you for sharing, my friend. I pray for you in your busy week to be strong and make it through, girl…

    • Thanks so much for thinking of me Carol, this time of year’s always so very busy…actually cannot believe that it’s almost the end of year again. Sadly I had to put my South African holiday on hold because of late overseas deliveries but all’s good, I plan on going over early next year. Hope your Friday will be a good one my dear friend xxxxx

  16. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
    ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

    I have always loved the original song by Bread…beautiful lyrics.

    Dream on my dear.

  17. lovely dream, best wishes for your workload…

    it is always a pleasure to read you.

  18. To paint a picture that is so true
    To see the skies in eyes so blue
    To touch each other in Loving embrace
    To feel that Love and lips to taste
    But if only exists in one’s dream
    One can only wonder about what it seems

    enjoy my Dearest Buttercup(+)

  19. So many wonderful lines in this poem, I dont know which I like the most…I guess I’m stealing all the optimistic words you’ve nicely carved out here…It’s sweet to be able to dream but even sweeter to work it out..

    TGIF, have a lovely weekend,


  20. We all dream, who write poetry…more than most I suspect. Wistful thoughts. Have a great weekend. 🙂

  21. Enjoyed reading. Thanks for posting your poetry!


  22. lovely poem…enjoyed..
    see me on http://loveamongotherthings.wordpress.com/

  23. Wishful, willowy, wisp of a sweet sweet poem. Thanks, Amanda. Hope you can carve out a bit of peaceful, restful time for yourself. It does seem year end gets a bit crazy, doesn’t it.

    Hugs! xx
    Peace …

  24. What a lovely dream, Amanda. I wish it would come true for you, my friend. xxx

  25. All poets are dreamers, but all dreamers are not poets…You, My Dear, are both. Fantastic poem! 🙂

  26. Cool picture! And nice writing! I especially like the part about getting lost in a dream.

  27. Aaahhh! I love Kenny G! He’s one of my favorite smooth jazz musicians. I think he has kind of a more classic romance style about him but he can also change it up too. Enjoyed my read too, especially the first two and last three lines. Great work my friend!! XX

  28. Such beautiful music to accompany this Amanda. I love your words “laugh in a sea of sadness” – I feel like I’ve been there for years sometimes…but that sunshine is just around the corner! Keep on dreaming, because our dreams shape us and CAN come true! Love you girl. Mwah!!! 😉 xx

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