There is nothing better than making your own Banana Bread, the smell fills every corner of the house and it is the easiest thing to make.  I use Macadamia nuts (or you can use walnuts) which compliments this recipe even more.  ENJOY!!


2 cups all-purpose flour

3/4 cup sugar (I use organic cane sugar)

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

5 very ripe bananas – mashed well

1 stick unsalted butter – melted and cooled

2 large eggs

1/2 cup whole organic yogurt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3/4 cups macadamia nuts, (or you can use walnuts) toasted and chopped

Confectioner’s sugar – light dusting before serving.

  1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower middle position and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grease with butter an 8.5 by 4.5 inch loaf pan
  3. Whisk flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and cinnamon together in a large bowl.

4.  In a mixer using the wire attachment whip 2 mashed bananas, melted butter, eggs, yogurt and vanilla.  Mix well.. you want a fluffy and creamy banana mixture.

5.  In a separate small bowl, mash the remaining 3 bananas so they still have some chunky texture.  Then blend together with banana mixture in blender.Slowly fold the whole banana mixture in with the flour until it is combined.. but don’t over mix.  Fold in the macadamia nuts.

6.  Using a rubber spatula, pour the batter into the buttered loaf pan and smooth the edges and top.

7.  Bake until golden brown – approximately 55 minutes.  Rotate every 15 minutes to ensure all sides are baked evenly.  When you do this be delicate so you don’t upset the rising bread

8.  Remove and let cool in the pan for 10 minutes.  Then place on rack and cool with a cloth towel over the bread for another 30 minutes before serving.

9.  To serve, cut into slices and lightly dust with confectioner’s sugar – serve!

34 Responses to “BANANA BREAD”

  1. Macadamia nuts would be delicious! (Darned things are pricey though!) I’ll have to try that… cooling weather always prompts the baker in me. (Although it was only cool Saturday)

  2. Yum! Banana bread…This looks like a nice heatlhy recipe. May be unfortunate that I tend to put chocolate chips in mine. 😦

    Like the macadamia’s. Ohhhhh …. mouth watering ….

  3. Yum…and I love it with nuts.

  4. Haha! Love the dancing silverware! Thank you for posting this. I love banana bread!

  5. You have made me want that banana bread and I want it now. Yummy! I can smell the aroma of it baking! And this is a recipe I might not mess up! I have to buy the yogurt so I’m out of luck for having it NOW! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Me too, I love banana bread! I must say, between you and Cindy, I could almost gain weight just looking at your food photos. 😉

  7. banana bread is tasty 2 me…

  8. Your loaf looks beautiful, banana bread is something I can make any day; a huge fave in my home.

  9. claudiadesouza4u Says:

    Yummy……..Thanks for sharing the recipe dear.

  10. I printed-out this one. Now I might just have to post my baklava recipe.

  11. I did you one better and posted TWO recipes!

    Bubba’s Baklava

    Bubba’s Oatmeal Cookies

    • I just been to your place and can’t believe it!!! Shame on you for making my saliva glands work overtime!! You are such a sweetheart for posting those. I will try both. Much love my friend xx

  12. Please let me know how you like them. I’ll be making baklava this weekend.

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