My brush is a bird

that paints in red

loquacious and free

stroke by stroke

colour comes out

captivating me

 the dancing rain

 on my fingertips

flick of my wrist

of secrets born




©AmandavdL 2010


58 Responses to “UNITY”

  1. Carol Ann Hoel Says:

    Red is a rocking color, Amanda. You have given red a worthy send off with your bold words dancing on the page winding down to a whisper; and then the whisper shouts Freedom! Excellent work! Thank you for sharing. Much love… xxoo

    • (Smiling)…not hard to tell that red is my favourite color, even my hair is red!!!!! I have started taking art classes and just love every moment of it. It makes it easy to write about when you have a passion for something. Your comments are always warm and so encouraging Carol….I thank you from my heart. Hugs xxx

  2. whispering…FREEDOM
    love the image as well… so thoughtful…

    have a gr8 week 🙂

  3. Tracy Harris Says:

    Nicely done, Amanda…there must certainly be freedom as one creates a beautiful scene from thin air. Wonderful imagery in these words. 🙂

  4. this is truly masterful,
    love it for sure..

  5. vacuousverse Says:

    fantastic read, thank you!

  6. Very good writing, love the picture, red is also my favourite colour.

  7. Love the circles theme, and the depth perspective in the painting, red of course – it had to be red. And the title fits it nicely. Freedom whispers… it does.

  8. Amanda, this is a beautiful painting… I love it and knew that it would be red and the poem is so lovely and descriptive of your new-found creative ability!

    Some awards for you from me via Jingle:

    Friendship Means A World 2 Me

    pick three awards from my post,
    You deserve them! Happy Weekend, my beautiful artist…. 🙂
    Heartspell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. To enjoy anything truly, one needs freedom… just like that little brush… just like the butterflies… Lovely poem, my dear… And your artwork is brilliant!!!! Totally Awesome! Oh girrlll.. you LOOOOVE Red, don’t you?!!??! 🙂 It’s my mom’s fav. color too!!! 🙂

    Umm… did you happen to read my comment on Tracy’s post ‘Coming back to life’? In any case, i mentioned there that Coming back to Life, and High Hopes are my ALL TIME FAVORITES by Pink Floyd!! And now you put up this post, with High Hopes in it!!! WOWWWWWW… I truly believe that distances mean NOTHING!! 🙂
    Lov ya, sweetie!!! Hugz!!!!! 😀

    • It is indeed my favourite color in the whole world…happy you liked it Kavita…nope, I did not see the writing on Tracy’s post but also had another song first off on the poem and changed it!!!!! Did not know it was your favourite…I don’t like all of their songs but THAT one does have special meaning. If you read what Joanny says in the comments too…gives you goosbumps!!! DISTANCE MEANS NOTHING!!!! Hope you’re having a kick ass weekend girl…like I do 🙂 🙂 🙂 xxxx

  10. serenemusings Says:

    That’s a cute poem. Are you a painter?
    Pink Floyd is my favorite too so doubly happy :))
    Have a fab weekend!

  11. Freedom to create….painting releases so many emotions!Your words capture so many more…xx

  12. ….lovely stuff…..I`m busy….with something red……I might just post a photo….hhmmm….take care!!!…huggs…

  13. Amanda

    What a beautiful poem about color, you are simply the most colorful poet around. Funny how you posted that video on Pink Floyd and Kavita was thinking about it and I was thinking about doing a poem about color and here I see your beautiful creation. Magical you are.

    Have a red- a luscious week end.


  14. Very nice, Amanda. I particularly like the way in which you have ended with the title once again.

  15. Sorry, my mistake, I see you have called the piece ‘Unity’.

  16. This is beautifully rendered! I love the bird imagery: immediately sets a fanciful, free tone!

  17. ‘the dancing rain on my fingertips’ – what a lovely expression Amanda.

    You really capture the magic of painting in this poem. I love the artwork (is it yours) and the poem is awesome!! Chloe xx

  18. hey 🙂

    nice 🙂

  19. You always have such compelling photos to accompany your work, buttercup. Not that your work needs it, but they’re an interesting addition.

  20. mother2rah Says:

    Makes me want to paint (again).

  21. thoughtsnotlost Says:

    Just beautiful.

    Plus a wish for you:

  22. Isn’t it rewarding to receive Cin’s recognition? Because we share the honour and category of Cin’s award, I have swung by your blog and am delighting in your offerings. I look forward to following your posts.

    I had to smile at your photo of icicles. Having grown up with them decorating our eaves, I am delighted to be reminded of the artistic value they hold.

    • Wow, I am so honored that you took the time to come here. Thank you so much and I most certainly will return the compliment. Cindy is a special girl in my book for sure!! Have a happy weekend my friend. Hugs x

  23. Cryyyy freeeedom 🙂

    Terrific poem amanda..I loved the new look of ur blog too..those eyes are sensational 🙂

    Oh btw, do u paint and are the ones above ur paintings..then my appreciation should be doubled 🙂

    thnks for the share..I loved this!

    • I do paint and it is the most rewarding feeling to be able to look at your own creation on cavas!! (Just like writing a poem but in a different way!!) Thanks so much for being here…I do appreciate it so much xx

  24. perfect rhyme perfect poetry
    grt jobbbbbbbbb
    i m loving itttttttttttttt

  25. The freedom of sacred space. Nice work, Amanda … lovely artwork too.

    And topped with Pink Floyd … kinda like a cherry on a sundae.

    Hugs … Happy … Sunday night?????

  26. I was a painter before a poet but have been having terrible trouble with “painter’s block.” This post is a very timely reminder to let go and let it run free. (I printed it out as inspiration in my studio/office.)

    Thank you so much for this!

    • Wow, that is wonderful, I have started painting a couple of months ago and enjoy it so very much. I have not had “painter’s block” yet…too excited but have that with poetry sometimes:) I feel honored that you printed this Christina, thank you so much. Sending you loads of love 🙂

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