Archive for July, 2010


Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Reflections on July 31, 2010 by Mandy



I hear noise all around me
it echos in this space
I have no part in it

The crescent moon
the wind rustling
through the leaves
of trees
I sit alone
in silent dialogue with my thoughts
quiet beating of my heart
peace rests snugly
in the womb of dusk
if I could..
I would..
capture it

right now….

here …

in this moment
I am complete

happy …

without reason
to be me!


©AmandavdL 2010

Chicken and Rice Frittata

Posted in Cooking, Family, Friends, People, Random, Recipe on July 31, 2010 by Mandy


2 cups Rice Cookers Chicken & Bacon Risotto:
2 tbsp (50g) butter
1 ¼ cups (=285g or 2 standard 160ml rice cooker measures) arborio rice, washed well
500g chicken thigh fillet, diced
100g bacon, sliced
1 x 35g sachet Rice Cookers Italian Risotto Recipe Base
1/3 cup light cream
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese 
1 cup broccoli flowerets
1 cup pumpkin, grated
½ cup flour
6 eggs
1 cup Cheddar cheese, grated


1. Preheat oven to 180° Celsius.
2. To make Rice Cookers Chicken & Bacon Risotto:
Heat butter in a frying pan and brown rice and chicken until cooked and the rice is toasted then add into the rice cooker insert pot.
Place Rice Cookers Chicken & Bacon Risotto Recipe Base and 3 cups (750ml) boiling water into the rice cooker insert pot and stir. Cover with lid and press selector control to COOK (DO NOT REMOVE LID during cooking). Cook until the selector control switches to KEEP WARM. Let Stand for 10 minutes with the lid on. Stir through cream and Parmesan cheese.
3. Mix the cooked Rice Cookers recipe base, broccoli, pumpkin, flour and eggs together and place in a greased 20x20cm oven proof baking dish. Top with grated cheese and place in oven for 30-40 minutes or until set and golden brown

4. Let cool and slice. Serve warm with salad or cold as a snack.


Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections on July 29, 2010 by Mandy


A touch of blue

your eyes so true

I take shelter

like a ghost

at night

in the field

of my dreams

I feel the dampness

of the oceans spray

trying to find my way

and I celebrate you

without a sound

or cheers

in the absence

of a whisky

on ice

the sound of

our special song

plays safely

in my memory vault


©AmandavdL 2010



Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, Random, Reflections on July 29, 2010 by Mandy

There is a word in the dictionary that’s of fundamental importance….not just in our own lives but on every single level of society. The word I am referring to is TRUST….yes…5 letters that says so much.  It is the one word that should be the biggest treasure of our lives and a word that so many of us underestimate or not understand it’s value. Without trust we cannot get through a single day, life becomes intolerable, a constant battle against paranoia and looming disasters.

When we were born, the first lesson we were taught was to trust each other but sadly, our childhood innocence gave way to society in which there was no place for trust!?  Relationships cannot survive without trust, let alone good ones.  Intimacy depends on it and trust in each other gives strength and vitality on every single level, it gives inner happiness which is priceless. .  Trust is a synonym for warmth in every relationship, it gives us a sense of deep bonding.

If we are balanced and mature in our thoughts and action, people will trust us.  We live in our own world of likes and dislikes, as we are not able to create a right balance.  Someone has to begin the cycle of trust by an act of faith. I know life isn’t perfect and some people aren’t trustworthy but, it takes a conscious act of unconditional belief in that other person’s good sense, ability, honesty or sense of commitment to set the ball rolling.  Most importantly, trust your instinct…if something does not feel right, go with what you know is right! 

Trust your instincts

Trust your heart


You won’t fall apart


Extracts from Sanjay Verma

Curry with Pineapple and Snow Peas

Posted in Cooking, Family, Friends, Life, People, Personal, Random, Recipe on July 29, 2010 by Mandy


1 tbsp olive oil, 500g diced lamb/pork or any meat of your taste
1 large brown onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
100g snow peas, ends trimmed
¼ fresh pineapple, skin and core removed, cut into 2.5 cm cubes
long grain white rice, cooked to serve (allow 1 cup uncooked rice)
Salt and pepper


1. Heat the oil in a large heavy based saucepan over high heat.

2. Season the meat with salt and pepper and brown on all sides. Remove the meat to a plate and discard the excess oil in the pan. Add the onion and cook stirring often for 3-5 mins, or until light golden in colour and slightly softened. Add the garlic and the spices and cook for 1-2 mins, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom of the pan, as the spices will begin to stick.

3. Add the meat and 1 ½ cups water to the pan. Stir well and cover. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1 ½ hours, or until the meat
is tender. During the cooking process occasionally skim any fat that settles on top of the cooking liquid with a ladle and discard.

4. Add the snow peas and pineapple and cook for a further 2-3 mins, or until the snow peas are tender. Season to taste with salt and
pepper and serve on a bed of rice.

Perfect for those cold winter nights….served with a glass of Penfold’s Bin 28….how can you go wrong!!

SOUL OF RADIANCE (One-Shot Wednesday)

Posted in Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Random, Reflections on July 28, 2010 by Mandy



Oh Soul of Radiance 

Friend of the stars

You fill the dark sky

Oh light of my life


I call to you

Please come to me

To hold me close

Your voice in a chant


I will sing this song

To your loving soul

For to lift your heart

And keep you from fear


There is no danger

A lantern to steer

To show you the way

And let in the light


©AmandavdL 2010


Apricot Roast Lamb

Posted in Cooking, Family, Friends, People, Personal, Random, Recipe on July 28, 2010 by Mandy


150g dried apricots, soaked in hot water for 1 hour or overnight
3 slices stale bread
50g pine nuts, toasted
1 tsp  Oregano Leaves
1 x 1.2kg rolled lamb shoulder or boned leg
1 tsp Rosemary Leaves
¼ cup apricot jam or mango chutney


1. In a food processor blend the apricots, bread, pine nuts and oregano to form a rough stuffing paste.

 2. Roll out the lamb and sprinkle the rosemary onto the inside of the meat and rub in.

 3. Place the stuffing mix in the middle of the lamb and roll up. Set the rolled lamb on a piece of baking paper with foil underneath.

4. Wrap the foil and paper around then twist the ends to form a log.

 5. Place in a pre heated hot oven (200°C) oven for 1 hour. Open up the foil and paper and spread the jam or chutney over the outside of the lamb and return to the oven for a further 30 minutes or until golden.


Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, POETRY, Ramblings, Random, Reflections on July 27, 2010 by Mandy

Light of flickering candles

Golden glow all around

Illuminating my face

Closing eyes in this space


Soul searching for you

Soft whisper of movement

Even in my darkest despair

Is it me or do I even dare


Wild beating of my heart

Shocking in its rawness

Could you hold me my love

For you can show me how


I want to live in your love

Walk on the waters of life

Empty my soul in this dream

Hold me….Console me

©AmandavdL 2010


Posted in Cooking, Family, Friends, People, Personal, Random, Recipe on July 27, 2010 by Mandy

This stuffed Stuffed Vegetable recipe with exotic flavours from Italy reflects a deep sense of Tuscan flavors.  The combination was great and served for lunch or even as an entree, this one works well and truly very tasty.


1 tsp olive oil
500g beef mince
1 ¼ cups long grain rice, washed well
1 x 35g sachet  Rice Cookers Beef & Tomato Rice
1 cup (250ml) canned, crushed tomatoes
½ cup fresh basil, chopped
6 small zucchinis or 2 medium eggplants


1. Heat oil in a frying pan and brown beef then add to the rice cooker insert pot. Place washed rice,  Rice Cookers recipe base, crushed tomatoes and 400ml water into the rice cooker insert pot and stir.

2. Cover with lid and press selector control to COOK (DO NOT REMOVE LID during cooking). Cook until the selector control switches to KEEP WARM.

3. Stir through the chopped basil, then remove rice mix and keep warm. Clean rice cooker insert pot.

4. Slice vegetables in half lengthways, hollow out, fill with rice mix and stack filled vegetables into cooker being careful not to spill filling. (Alternatively, halve crossways and hollow out vegetables with a teaspoon, so that they can stand snugly in cleaned rice cooker insert pot, then fill with rice mix.) Drizzle ¼ cup (65ml) boiling water into pot. Cover with lid and press selector control to COOK (DO NOT REMOVE LID during cooking). Cook until the selector control switches to KEEP WARM. Stand for 10 minutes, then serve with fresh yoghurt.


Posted in Daily Life, Dreams, Emotions, Family, Friends, Life, Musings, People, Personal, Ramblings, Random, Reflections, Spirituality on July 26, 2010 by Mandy

I am so lucky to be able to attend Woman’s Empowering seminars on a regular basis, and cannot even begin to tell you what a wonderful and positive influence it’s had on my life.   We live our daily lives, doing what we have to and so easily get despondent when things does not go our way!! What we have to realize is that by following basic steps and be thankful and kind towards others, will have a major impact on our lives. … most importantly, to talk and tell those people closest to us what and how we feel.  If only we can truly see that we were born to SHINE in this lifetime….to really make a difference, to believe in ourselves, the world will be a better place.



 Thanks for everything you’ve done. – Say it to your mother, father, grandmother, or sister; whoever deserves it. Say it when it’s least expected and when it will make the most impact.

 You’ve changed my life.

 I need you.

 I’ve only got one life to live. – This will give you tremendous motivation.

 Nothing can stop me.

 I love my life.

 There’s nothing I’d rather be doing.

 I can 

 I will 

 I have 

 I’m rich with love in my life.

 I’m doing what I was meant to do.

 I conquered my biggest fear.

 Glad to help you.

 I have all that I need.

 I don’t care what people think.

 I’m honest.

 I’m going for it!

 I’m proud of myself.

 I’ve learned from my failures.

 I have no regrets. – Many people believe everything happens for a reason. So why would you have any regrets?

 I’ve never had more fun in my life.

 You hurt me.

 There’s more to life than this.

 I love you no matter what.

 I’ve accomplished a lot.

 You’ve been successful.

 I’m listening. – Sometimes it’s more important to listen than to talk.

 I’m here for you.

 Words can’t describe the way I feel.

 I’m not giving up.

 There is no place like home.

 It was a pleasure to talk to you.

 I have all the time in the world.

 I need a hand.

 You’re my best friend.

 I’m glad you were here.

 I’m just going for it.

 I can’t thank you enough.

 I’m trusting my inner feelings.

 I follow my own path.

 What a wonderful world.

 I take full responsibility. – Own up to your mistakes, people will respect you.

 I came, I saw, I conquered.

 I haven’t said enough.

 I’m not afraid


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