Archive for May, 2010


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 31, 2010 by Mandy

The first couple of years were really a struggle for me to find my feet in a new country, it’s as if your history has been wiped away and you have been handed a clean slate to start fresh.  You have to learn how to do things their way, learning how to get to certain places and most importantly, making new friends. 

Then… sent by God, Karen came into my life.  They just moved from New Zealand and we became neighbours.  Exactly the same process I went through previously, happened to her.   The most amazing thing was that we both felt as if we have known each other forever. After moving away as her neighbour two years ago, I truly missed the interaction, our walks together in the morning…..just running over when I needed something….the fact that we were there for each other!

My joy this week is overwhelming as Karen and her family are moving into a house just up the road from me.  No more driving long distances to be together….we can go for our walk again every morning,  we can grow closer…share and learn from each other. Some people become friends and stay a while, others come and quickly go, some only stay for a season  or reason but,  Karen came and will stay for a lifetime!!!

I love you my BEST FRIEND….and look so forward to the next chapter in our lives.  You will always have that special place in my heart!!


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 30, 2010 by Mandy

For weeks I have been looking around to buy a new camera.  There are an increasingly array of them on the market so I had a real choice ahead of me!!  I did not want something too big, one just big enough to slip into my bag or pocket but had to have all of the quality features at the “professional” end.  I started my research in the internet….only to be totally confused reading about adaptability, speed, optical viewfinders, large ISO range, manual controls, quality optics, memory cards, filters…..too many to even mention. 

I had set myself a budget for what I wanted and went on a mission yesterday!   It took me the whole morning to find the one I decided on and came home, loaded with memory cards, extra batteries, camera bag and extended warrantee!!! Then spending the rest of the afternoon just to work out how to put everything together….let alone reading the instructions and how to operate this sophisticated contraption!!  After all, all I want to do is take pictures.  Why do they have to make it so difficult?

Needless to say, I did not go to bed before midnight and when the sun came up this morning, I was at it again!!!  These are a few of my “attempts”…now I need some sleep!!


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 29, 2010 by Mandy

So last night I woke up at 2am, had this awesome idea for a blog to write this morning….thought of getting up to write it down so I don’t forget!  I tried to go back to sleep but,  at 4am this morning, I came down to have a coffee and of course, I had no clue what the idea for this blog was:(  The things I think are awesome at 2am in the morning are most probably nowhere near amazing when day breaks!!

It started to rain again during the night, not pouring rain but drizzling and because my mind felt pretty fuzzy, I decided to go for a walk.  At 5am, I pulled on a coat….a hoody and my walking shoes.  It felt great to get out and walk in the rain, not being concerned about getting wet.  The air smelled so fresh and I could feel the cool wetness on my face,  relishing my soul.  It felt good to be nearly chilled to the bone and I was happy I’ve embraced the weather and giggled about getting so wet.  I made a decision to do something illogical and it felt wonderful!

I came home, stripped of all the wet clothes, put on warm socks and sweats and here I am …..embracing a new day.  Sometimes it’s just the simple things life has to offer that makes us realize…..everything’s going to be okay!!!!   But…..I still can’t remember what that damn blog was all about earlier!!


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 28, 2010 by Mandy

Some of the secret joy’s of living are not found by rushing from point A to point B (like I will be doing today!!)….but by inventing some imaginary letters along the way!!  I am wishing all my friends a wonderful day!!  Hugs and kisses oxoxox


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on May 28, 2010 by Mandy

This great-tasting Italian dish is made using a pasta base filled with a delicious savoury mince.

  • • Filling
  • • 30 ml oil
  • • 1 onion, sliced
  • • 500 g lean beef mince
  • • 30 ml tomato paste
  • • 1 x 410 g can chopped tomatoes
  • • 15 ml mixed dried herbs
  • • Salt and pepper to season
  • • Pasta Base
  • • 125 ml milk
  • • 310 ml water
  • • 30 ml  margarine
  • • 1 x sachet Macaroni & Cheese
  • • Topping
  • • 2 eggs, beaten
  • • 125 ml milk
  • • 125 ml grated Cheddar cheese


  • For the filling: Heat oil in a large frying pan.
  • Stir onion until soft.
  • Add mince and brown.
  • Add tomato paste, tomatoes, herbs and seasoning.
  • Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 30 min.
  • For the pasta base: Place the milk, water and margarine in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
  • Add the sauce sachet and the pasta to this and simmer for 8-10 min, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Lay the pasta in the bottom of an ovenproof dish, then place the mince mixture on top.
  • For the topping: Mix the beaten eggs, milk and cheese together, pour over the mince and bake in the oven at 180C for 20-30 min.


MY WORLD by Tracy L Harris

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 27, 2010 by Mandy

In the blogosphere we sometimes cross paths with phenomenal people. Today I have the honour of having just such a person who wrote this wonderful guest post for my blog.  I am honoured to have you here Tracy and I am blessed to have met you.  You are a very talented writer and I am so very proud to share you with my readers.  Thank you so much!

I was happy when Buttercup asked me to do a post for her blog…one is always flattered when someone trusts you enough or likes your work enough to ask you to share your passion or talent with them.  It’s my pleasure to be a part of this blog.  The timing of the invitation was serendipitous in that, when I first thought of what to write for a blog done from Australia by a South African, my first thought was to write something about MY corner of the world, but instead, I found this little poem rolling around in my head.  It’s all about… 

        “My World”

My world is a slow world
Mostly it’s a no world
Sometimes it’s a yes world
Never in the know world

My world is my own world
Keep a pleasant tone world
Sometimes it’s a flat world
It’s mine all alone world

It’s a little strange world
A never rearrange world
I’ll keep it just the same world
You can keep the change world

My world is a small world
Screening every call world
No one in the whole world
Will ever know it all world

My world is a blue world
Rarely a me and you world
Sometimes I see Red world
I’d like a table for two world

It’s just my same old world
It can be a cold world
Never been a rich world
I’d like to see a Gold world

Never shed a tear world
Got nothing to fear world
My own little safe world
I’m okay right here world

But, someone came to my world
From a cloud up in the sky world
Now I see a New world
I think I want to try world…

Because mine is upside down.

TLH  5/26/2010

Just Say’n

Tracy lives in East Tennessee in the foot hills of The Great Smokey Mountains.  His daily writings are always all heart, entertaining, uplifting and with a lot of wit, wanting you to go back for more!!   You can visit his blog at


Posted in Uncategorized on May 26, 2010 by Mandy


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 26, 2010 by Mandy


I went to a seminar last night where the speaker was Louise Fowler, one the THE most talented and inspirational woman I have ever met!  She has been a frontline Woman’s Empowering Speaker for a long time and has turned so many lives around.  The light that shines from this wonderful person, is such a blessing and I dedicate this blog to her today!  If only we can truly see that we were born to SHINE in this lifetime….to really make a difference, to believe in ourselves, the world will be a better place.  I leave you with an extract that we received from Louise last night…..a quote  from Marianne Williamson’s:-

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It s our light,  not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”.   Actually, who are we not to be?  Your playing small doesn’t serve the world!  There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to manifest the glory within us.  It’s just not in some of us, it’s in EVERYONE!!  And as you let your own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Thank you Lou, you make the sun shine brighter every single time I’m around you….thank you for being you.  I love you!


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 25, 2010 by Mandy


2 cups (500 ml) white rice
3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil
4 eggs, beaten
8 bacon rashers, chopped
8 spring onions, chopped
1 red pepper, finely chopped
3 carrots, grated
Salt and Pepper
2/5 cup (100 ml) Sweet & Sour Sauce

Cook rice in salted water until cooked.
Drain and allow to steam for a few minutes until fluffy.
In a large frying pan, heat 15ml oil.
Pour in beaten eggs and cook like you would an omelette by gently moving the egg around the pan.
Let the egg brown on the one side, then turn it over to brown the other side.
Allow to cool.
Roll up and chop into long strips.
Heat remaining oil in pan and fry bacon until crispy.
Add spring onions, red pepper and carrots, cooking and stirring frequently for about 2-3 minutes.
Add rice to the pan, mixing together well before gently stirring in the egg.
Season with salt and pepper.
Just before serving drizzle with a little Sweet & Sour Sauce.


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on May 25, 2010 by Mandy

For years we have been trying all avenue’s to help my daughter and her fiance  immigrating to Australia.  Simone is a qualified Health and Beauty Therapist (Internationally qualified) but her job description is not on the list.  There’s no possible road or avenue we have not tried.  On their visits before, we have seen more than one immigration agent, they investigated quite a few back in South Africa and every time found ourselves nowhere to turn.  I actually assumed as a parent being an Australian Citizen, the process will be so much easier!!  Think again….assumption won’t bring you anywhere!!

So here we are, finally found the right immigration agent…..and the process is in full swing!  They will come on a personal sponsership visa, having to work on a visa 457 for 2 years before applying for permanent residency.  We have received all the applications and paperwork …now where to start?!!

Subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay) Visa Program, Character Assessment, Requirements and document instructions, Bank Statements, Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements, Relevant extracts from your business plan including cash flow projections, Contracts, Lease Agreements, Certified Birth Certificates,  X-Rays and Blood Tests, Police Clearance…Sponsoring overseas employees!!  One of the attachments including in all of this is 700 pages long….too much to even print out!

I understand that all of the above is necessary, as so many illegal people try to “slip” the system and use and abuse their rights.  All of the above we will do with a smile on our faces. Even going through this process, we still can’t take it for granted that they will be approved.  So what I’m asking for now……is your prayers!!   I will keep you updated in time to come.  oxo

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