Entangled heart

scattered thoughts

cluster of ruminate

I hear your voice

cold and dissociate

twilight days

twilight nights

ice tears on my cheek

my broken heart


notre amour était une fois

 c’est fini pour toujours


©AvdL 2010



50 Responses to “TWILIGHT”

  1. Enchanting and appropriate as my heart recovers from saying goodbye to a dear friend who I may not see again. Thank you.

  2. Powerful words make for powerful emotions. A wonderful piece indeed. Bravo!

    P.S.- that photo is so striking and compliments the poem very nicely 🙂

  3. well spoken words of a broken, still entangled heart, complemented as usual by the perfect image. Hugs!

  4. ok, first: that pic is FREAKING awesome! ok… moving on. loved the poem, definietely but what does the last two lines mean? lol 🙂

  5. Carol Ann Hoel Says:

    Sadness surrounds your words and presentation of this artwork. You know how to project emotion. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Engaging and evocative … and sometimes it is over forever … broken hearts don’t forget, and they shouldn’t.

    • Nope, you have said it so very well Jamie, broken hearts never forget. I love it when you visit…so many at once…whoohooo!!! Hope you have a super week ahead!! xxxx Hugs to you x

  7. Once again, from your fingertips to my heart.
    So sad.

  8. This was so sad and touching Amanda, absolutely beautiful! I love that song…

  9. It’s amazing how much emotion and passion can be expressed in 36 little words…what a testament to your heart and poetic skills, Amanda. Well done!
    Image, poem, and song are a trifecta. 🙂

  10. Wow, amazing. I really liked this one, and the last two lines in French really added to it. Great poem Amanda!

  11. Amanda..I swear I miss reading your works like I used too..!! And this poem is too amazing.. I had to get help with the last lines (don’t know a word in french ) The last two lines say so much, I guess, even if you had written only those two lines, It’d have created the same impact.. Powerful..!

  12. excellent job,
    sorry for coming in late,
    Got tired yesterday….

    I love your image as always.

    • That’s ok Jingle, you have to have time off too and rest…that is exactly what I did yesterday…a lot to do today but we know how to do it, don’t we? Wishing you the best week ahead sweetheart xxx

  13. haunting… heartbreaking… simply beautiful! well done again, amanda!

    if you have time, i have friendship awards for you at:


    • Wowowowowow…how wonderful are you!! I soooo appreciate it and coming from you means sooo much to me. I will place it in Jingle’s awards page. Thanks again my dear friend, you have made me smile on this Monday morning. Have a fabulous week ahead. Hugs xxxxx

  14. thoughtsnotlost Says:

    Wow! Amazing words yet again and that picture has me just captivated as well.

  15. For all your encouragement I have an award for you.
    Pass this on to 1 to 10 friends.

  16. Moving poem…

    I also have a special recognition for you.

    I also wanted to let you know of some recognitions I gave you. See:

    Have a great Sunday!


    • I am smiling from ear to ear, you are such a wonderful friend and I value you very much….this means a lot to me. Thank you JP…I am honored to receive this from you xxx Hugs xxx

  17. I agree with tasithoughts. Very moving. And those recognitions are well deserved. 🙂

    • Thans so much my friend, lovely to have you here…I will be over to visit you shortly too…Monday and a lot to catch up on but so much fun!!! Have a great week my friend xx

  18. *Entangled heart

    scattered thoughts*

    And again another beautiful post !

  19. DiamondsAndDogs Says:

    There was a coldness to this poem, but it worked. I liked the line “cluster of ruminate.”

    By the way, I was reading your answers … loved the dog!

  20. Amazing song to go with a fantastic poem 🙂

  21. mairmusic Says:

    And why is French so much sadder, in a beautiful way, than any other language? There is an entrenched sorrow here, beautifully written!

  22. ‘toujours’ is a long long time, Amanda…
    But yea, sometimes, when tears turn to ice, one just knows!!!

    Lovely, melancholic poem, girl…
    But please do know that notre amitié will last for a looooooooooong time 🙂
    Lovies to you, my dear friend… mwahz!

    • You see, you just taught me something!!! Nothing rusted with your French dear one!! Hope you have caught up with all you had to do :…have a great week my darling. Mwahhhhxxx

  23. Thursday Poets Rally Week 27 Awards

    Happy Monday,
    5 awards 4 u, enjoy!

    the first 3 awards are not to be passed on,

  24. I almost didn’t read this one because of the title.
    (Noooo! Not another “Twilight” poem about love and vampires!)

    But I gave you more credit than that – and I was correct in doing so. Nice work, Buttercup!

    (And thank goodness you didn’t mention vampires!)

  25. Thank you for bringing me back to this song.


    Surface Earth

  26. fabulous. beautiful and exact.

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